Ricepaper contributors Loretta Seto and Fiona Tinwei Lam are launching their new books! The launch will take place on Sunday, May 5th, at 2PM – 4PM at the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Gardens in downtown Vancouver. This will be a joint book launch for Fiona Tinwei Lam’s THE RAINBOW ROCKET (by Oolichan Books) and Loretta Seto’s MOONCAKES (by Orca Book Publishers). It will also be the opening of Kristi Bridgeman’s art exhibit MANDALAS.
There will be tea, juice, Chinese pastries, readings and signings. This is also a FREE event and children are welcome.
Here are the details again:
WHERE: 578 Carrall Street (at Keefer Street)
WHEN: Sunday, May 5, 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Hope to see you there!