Ricepaper is published by the Asian Canadian Writers’ Workshop (ACWW). ACWW began as a writing collective in the early 1960s, by dedicated Asian Canadian writers: Rick Shiomi (playwright), Sky Lee (novelist), Paul Yee (children’s author), Jim Wong-Chu (poet) and Sean Gunn (poet). In 1995, ACWW was incorporated as a non-profit society which started publishing Ricepaper magazine, originally as a newsletter to showcase the work of emerging Asian Canadian writers. Now Ricepaper magazine is a nationally distributed print magazine.
Annual Membership Benefits include:
Level 1 – $10
Regular newsletter on activities on the Asian Canadian literary and cultural arts scene and discounts to ACWW events and workshops
Regular newsletter on activities on the Asian Canadian literary and cultural arts scene and discounts to ACWW events and workshops
Level 2 –$20
1 year subscription to Ricepaper magazine, regular newsletter on activities on the Asian Canadian literary and cultural arts scene and discounts to ACWW events and workshops
Level 3 – $50
For non-profit organizations, educational institutions, arts and culture community groups, and businesses