Ricepaper Second Serving: Bing Thom, architect1 min read

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For two decades, Ricepaper Magazine published profiles, Q&A, and interviews from some of the most prominent artists, scribes, and influencers in the Asian Canadian community. The Ricepaper Second Serving series offer readers a chance to look back at our history and remember some thought-provking words spoken and written by those who helped change it.


Lots of people would want you to think [urban] form is autonomous, that buildings stand alone, but they respond to the markets and cultures that produce them, and they’re embedded in these social forces. So if I’m looking at buildings and their ideological implications, I mean just reading them and trying to figure out where they came from. – Bing Thom, architect


Bing Thom

“Blueprint of a Community” by Victor Liang from issue 13.3. Click here to see this digital issue.

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