Alberta, Japan
Alberta population in 2011: 3,600,000
Population of Hikikomori (socially withdrawn) people, Japan in 2010: 3,600,000
Percentage of growth in Alberta GDP in 2011 due to oil and gas extradition activity: 5.2
Magnitude of earthquake in Fukushima Prefecture in 2011: 5.2
Year Japanese author Yukio Mishima attempted a coup, failed, and committed seppuku: 1970
Year Alberta Japan Office founded to foster economic development between Alberta and Japan: 1970
Tibet, Yukon
Total population of Tibet: 3,300,000
Total population of Yukon: 33,897
Average salary of Tibetans: $9,656 CNY
Average salary of Yukon resident: $49,787 CAD
Highest airport in the world: Qamdo Bamda Airport in Tibet, at 14,219 ft
Highest Peak in Canada: Mount Logan in the Yukon, at 19,551 ft
Laos, Thailand, Canada
Population of Laos: 6,500,000
Price of a luxury house in Chiang Mai, Thailand: ฿6,500,000 Baht
Canadian Government investment in crop-related research projects: $6,500,000 CAD
Number of provinces in Laos: 16
Number of provinces in Thailand: 76
Number of provinces in Canada: 10
Laos developed first comprehensive national population census: 1985
First McDonald’s was opened in Thailand: 1985
Canadian Encyclopedia is launched: 1985
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