Leila Lee, Ricepaper Magazine’s Non-Fiction Editor1 min read

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LeilaLeila holds a BA in history from the University of Victoria and an MA in history from Queen’s University. Her research interest lies in exploring how the state creates and maintains racism and gender inequality through labour and law. She’s currently living in South Korea teaching English to elementary students. She has previous experience working with North Korean defectors in which she lived with and supervised the girls’ residence program for North Korean refugee high school students living in South Korea.  We asked Leila a few questions to get to know her better.

You’ve just graduated from university from Queen’s University with a Master’s degree in history. What was your research about and could you tell us more about how about it to someone who knows nothing about this topic?

What’s it like growing up in Korea?

You’ve had a job at the Common Ground North Korean Defector Center. That sounds really interesting! What was it like?

What does “Asian Canadian” mean to you?

What’s the best thing about being Korean? What’s the worse?

What’s your vision for Ricepaper? What hopes and dreams do you have in your editorial role at Ricepaper?

What’s your favourite quote?

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