Interview with William Tham, Creative Non-Fiction Editor1 min read

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thamWILLIAM THAM grew up in Malaysia, but currently lives in Vancouver where he writes while awaiting graduation with a BSc in Biochemistry. He has written several short stories about crime, punishment, and travels through the Malaysian peninsula and beyond, and his first novel-Maut-will be published by the independent publisher Fixi Novo later this year. While he usually writes fictional pieces, a lot of his writing is informed by his experiences studying and working in the Lower Mainland, the Okanagan valley, the prairies, and the Yangtze delta. As the creative non-fiction editor, he hopes to be able to receive and share pieces by new and emerging writers, and is excited at the opportunity to be part of the Ricepaper team.  We asked William a few questions to get to know him better.

You’ve just published a new book, ready for release in Malaysia. Tell us more about it. What is the publisher, title, some of the characters, its plots, its message?

You’ve written and have published quite a bit. Can you tell us one story which is the most memorable?

What’s it like growing up in Malaysia?

What does “Asian Canadian” mean to you?

What’s the best thing about being Malaysian? What’s the worse?

What’s your vision for Ricepaper? What hopes and dreams do you have in your editorial role at Ricepaper?

What’s your favourite quote?

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