Image by Simon Zhu
1/ Me in Vancouver
Rain, it’s the rain that’s been wetting my entire
Selfhood inside out
Reminding me
Amidst all shapes to be moistured
The water-drops are
The dews from a paradise long lost
Here is another soul fallen from above
2/ Vancouver in Rain
Vancouver, how they sometimes hate you
Being so wet! You could leave all
Your lower content in dark & cold, with yesterday’s
Newspapers, flyers, flowers, leaves & even
Tales pickled in the pools or puddles full of vices & viruses
………………..Among unseen ghosts & monsters
As love & pain flow along runaway rainwaters &
Every wing gets too heavy to flap with whims or wishes while
The whole city is taking a shower as if to prepare for a ritual, &
Me? I am just standing dry close to the window
Yuan Changming started to learn the English alphabet in Shanghai at age nineteen and published monographs on translation before leaving China. With a Canadian Ph.D. in English, Yuan currently edits Poetry Pacific with Allen Yuan in Vancouver. Credits include eleven Pushcart nominations and appearances in the Best of Best Canadian Poetry & BestNewPoemsOnline, among 1859 others across 47 countries. Recently, Yuan published his eleventh chapbook Limerence, and served on the jury for Canada’s 44th National Magazine Awards (poetry category).