“Emojis, memes & social media” Call for Submissions1 min read

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Submit your unpublished work related to emojis, memes and social media! From the first instant messaging service ICQ in 1996 to the now ever-popular 15 seconds on TikTok, social media has changed the way we connect with each other. Could, or how would, full-blown stories be told with only emojis and memes? What is your opinion about the increasingly handy ability to download, re-edit, and distribute content? How will the use of images affect our future, as both individuals and a collective body? 🤭🤯🤖👽

While as usual we are looking for short stories, creative nonfiction, poetry, drama excerpts, photo essays, interviews, and manga/comics, for this theme we are also inviting a call for storytelling with emojis, memes or social media posts (twitter, instagram, whatsapp, etc.).  

We accept writing from authors of all cultural backgrounds, however, the focus of the issue concentrates on roots from across the Pacific, including East Asian, Southeast Asian, and South Asian writers. 

Deadline closes January 31, 2023.
Queries and submissions can be sent to submissions@ricepapermagazine.ca
Find our submission guidelines here.

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