What are your roots?
In partnership with the Pacific Canada Heritage Centre – Museum of Migration Society, Ricepaper Magazine is creating a special issue devoted to the concept of roots, to be published Fall 2015. Canada is a country with roots that extend over the Pacific ocean as well as throughout the country, and we are looking for stories by those who wish to explore the stories behind these roots. Subjects can include immigrant stories, identity transformation upon crossing cultural and geographical boundaries, tracing roots/being uprooted/putting down new roots, having new adventures in different countries, inter-generational negotiation and reconciliation, etc. Be creative! Please include a brief biographical note of approximately fifty (50) words along with your submission.
We are looking for short stories, creative non-fiction, poetry, drama excerpts, and manga/comics with themes pertinent to roots or migration stories. We accept writing from authors of all cultural backgrounds, however, the focus of the issue concentrates on roots from across the Pacific, including East Asian, Southeast Asian, and South Asian writers.
Fiction, creative non-fiction, drama and graphic novel excerpts should be approximately 6,000 words in length, and no more than 2 pieces per submission,
Poetry submissions can contain up to 7 poems,
Submit online at Submittable.
Hard copies can be mailed to
Ricepaper magazine
PO Box 74174 Hillcrest RPO
Vancouver, BC
V5V 5C8
Please note that Ricepaper makes acceptances on a rolling basis, therefore early submissions are highly encouraged.