We returned to Vancouver on the Sunday. It was a difficult ferry trip for Michael as he was feeling lousy. He didn’t eat much lunch, just some soup and french fries (not the best choice, but he was craving it.)
May 21, 2007
Michael was still really suffering badly with headaches and sleeping on and off much of the day. The nausea had also been quite bad. He blamed it on a natural herbal juice from his cousin Michelle that he had consumed on the weekend on Vancouver Island.
May 25, 2007
Last Thursday was chemo number five for Michael and today is day 10. Things are really a struggle now and life is really tough. In some ways it is harder than I expected and not as hard in some. Strange to put it that way. We all know that we are going to die one day but how does one cope on a day-to-day basis with knowing that your time is going to be shorter. Knowing that you have a best before date? How does one not fall into a vast abyss of despair?”
Born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada to a Pioneer Chinese family, Cynda Yeasting is the eldest of a family of five. She is a second generation Vancouverite. Although she is adventurous and has been fortunate enough to travel to some wonderful places in the world, Vancouver is where her heart is most content. Ricepaper recently interviewed Cynda Yeasting. The following is an excerpt from her book For Michael, Love Cynda. On September 25, Cynda will be in attendance at Ricepaper Magazine’s table at Word Vancouver and the Festival Dinner Gala as part of LiterASIAN 2016. For more information about the schedule, please visit the LiterASIAN website.