Every space has its own logic of organization. Mine was built from piles—curated collections that made perfect sense to me, painstakingly laid out on my bedroom floor. Dirty clothing, sorted …
Note – some minor spoilers! Detective Chinatown 1900 (唐探1900) is a movie within the Detective Chinatown movie franchise, and despite jokes on Reddit about having to watch 1899 movies before this one, Detective Chinatown …
“Four!” I exclaim. I’m sitting with my mom at the dining room table, August sun shining through the windows. She just asked how many languages I speak now. “英文、法文、廣東話同國語,” (English, …
A Click Track for Pugilists is Howie Tsui’s new exhibition at the Patel Brown Gallery, a retrospective spanning 12 years of his artistic practice. From the sets of the Shaw …
A bosom film crew’s decade-long reunion to revive a movie after funding ran dry on it coincides fatefully with the endemic onset of Covid-19 in Wuhan as they are about …
Around the time the Chinese government announced their decision to end their international adoption program, I had just moved to a new city and had to find a local family …
Bound in Heaven (Huo Xin, China 2024) After an esteemed 26-year career writing for the likes of Stephen Chow (Kung Fu Hustle, Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons) and being …
On Netflix I tend to watch dark stories, but when an ad popped up for Love Game in Eastern Fantasy I assumed it would be more of the same. I was pleasantly …
More than three decades after his death in a car accident in 1991 at age 52, a small sampling of Lino Brocka’s corpus of 66 feature films has slowly been …
Hollay Ghadery recently interviewed authors Wayne Ng and George Ng. Wayne was born into a Chinese immigrant family in Toronto, while George was born in China. Both authors share Chinese …