

During November 9-18, 2017 the Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival took place. Ricepaper magazine had the opportunity to speak to a number of people playing different roles: directors, actors, …

During November 9-18, 2017 the Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival took place. Ricepaper magazine had the opportunity to review a number of international Asian movies and an awesome Canadian …

WHAT DOES YOUR OUTFIT SAY ABOUT YOU?  Fashionable Asians! is Ricepaper’s very first street fashion series on…fashionable Asians in Vancouver. Unlike any other street fashion blog, however, we seek to …

Tiger Mom

by Jim Wong-Chu

Dear Tiger Mom, I have straight A’s but they are low A’s and not high-90s A’s. My Tiger Mom is always harping on about this. It’s driving me crazy. I …

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