“Four!” I exclaim. I’m sitting with my mom at the dining room table, August sun shining through the windows. She just asked how many languages I speak now. “英文、法文、廣東話同國語,” (English, …
chinese canadian
Lindsay Wong is a Canadian writer, whose memoir The Woo-Woo: How I Survived Ice Hockey, Drug Raids, Demons, and My Crazy Chinese Family was published in 2018. The book won …
“Would you call this a dumpling or a potsticker? Or a gyoza?” I ask as I turn my friend Gemma’s plushie dumpling around. It’s cute with blush pink cheeks and …
In Pursuit of the Truth Through Beef Noodle Soup: Can Ethnic Businesses Exist Alongside The Chains?
Along New Westminster’s Columbia Street, you’ll come across an interesting phenomenon. Turn right from Carnarvon, down where red brick buildings stand, and you’ll see a fancy clustering of bridal shops …
I am a Vancouver-born Asian Canadian and have lived in this city my entire life. While I am a fifth-generation Canadian on my father’s side, and consider myself very …
Winter rushed in uninvited and unexpected. After one or two cold snaps in early December, the Welland Canal froze over. All ships, big and small, stood docked at the Port …
My mother and father would never let me keep a dog, but they let me take care of a bear cub. The cub had the blackest fur, soft and coarse …
“I don’t want to say ‘hi’ to people at school,” I said. “What if they don’t say ‘hi’ back to me?” “Well, when we do nice things, we should do …
your blood goes picnicking at a grave brooms and burnt paper in hand 4/4/[2000 + 4×4] At Qīngmíng only the magnolia huā (花) bloomed munificent white against a grey curb. …
I picture Jen Lam living a dual existence. By day she’s trapped in a cluttered office cubicle or a windowless law library perusing some obscure statute as a researcher for …