The Globe and Mail once suggested that if one cooking demonstration provides food for thought, then A Taste of Empire should be considered a great success. The play begins with Chef Jovanni prepares …
Asian Canadian
William Tham continues his journey through Indonesia. Following his stop in Yogyakarta, he travels to Surabaya in East Java, en route to his final destination of the coastal volcanoes. The wall …
We returned to Vancouver on the Sunday. It was a difficult ferry trip for Michael as he was feeling lousy. He didn’t eat much lunch, just some soup and french …
For Michael, Love Cynda is Cynda Yeasting’s book about her experience of loving a man who was terminally ill with cancer. A unique love story between Michael Chu and Cynda, the book ultimately …
My mother left me a suitcase of sweaters she knitted in mohair, wool, acrylic in blends of burnished ochre bright carmine, sombre blue, sea green. I see her now in …
To see my mother slip away— like witnessing time being reassembled, the missing hands being reattached, the frozen hours and minutes retrieved from the crumbled heap, put back in their …
There is urine on the seat again. Every time Shaohan sees splotches of his father’s urine on the toilet seat, something clenches inside him. He doesn’t have to sit there …
In a follow up to The Big Durian, William Tham continues his journey through Indonesia, leaving Jakarta for the cultural hub of Yogyakarta in Central Java. The ancient baths of Yogyakarta’s …
The boat ran out of water. She stepped out and missed the silkiness of mud between her toes. A homeland flows down cheeks crusted in sea salt. David Ly …
As one of Jean Lumb’s six children, Janet Lumb has in many ways continued her mother’s legacy in fighting against racism and fighting for social justice while advocating for self-representation …